Hi! 👋 We’re Mark & Stacey…
We came to Oklahoma thanks to Tulsa Remote (Alumni Class of 2022!), but we stayed because we fell in love with this amazing town! We planted our Tulsa roots last summer (In fact, we got our house keys the day of the tragic storm last year)…but even still, we love it here!
(even though the tornado sirens at 12pm Wednesdays still creates PTSD for us weekly, LOL!)

First things first, we have remote careers which enables us to explore quite a bit, so we’re also part-time lifestyle / travel bloggers & wouldn’t have it any other way. We love showing the younger generations that people their parent’s age can live their best lives too! We are proud 2nd time arounders…meaning, we’re divorced, middle-aged, Gen-X, empty-nesters who are choosing to embrace our 2nd chance at happiness together by redefining the rules we live by.

We both made the decision after our divorces to say bye-bye to unhealthy boundaries & toxic relationships and instead said hello to open dialogues, non-stop belly laughter & lots of adventures! This blog serves as our digital legacy footprint for our loved ones to look back on & remember us by one day, as well as a way for us to share and connect with others that can relate to divorce, empty-nesting, starting over & living life to the fullest…no matter what curveballs life tosses your way!

Mark loves to cook & experiment with new recipes (he’s the foodie in the family), whereas Stacey loves to clean/ is a certifiable organization junkie! Together we are obsessed with self improvement, wellness, hiking, roadtrips, travel, gardening, rock collecting, DIY projects, thrifting, antique picking, wine tasting, live music, as well as discovering new restaurants & libations wherever we go. Best of all, because we both have the flexibility of remote careers, we are able to wander as freely as we’d like, as long as there’s a solid WiFi signal!

Stacey has 3 adult children, 2 grand babies, loves to dance & in fact, used to dream of becoming a “Solid Gold Dancer”. Mark has 3 adult children, the best laugh in the world (according to Stacey) & he used to dream of flying so he could one day become “Superman”. (Spoiler alert - He is the MOST SUPER-man!) Together we share a home in Tulsa, Oklahoma as well as many, many inside jokes that we probably won’t publish within this blog, lol!

- Stacey & Mark 🌿